by John Huber | Sep 19, 2013 | How to Improve Results, Investment Philosophy, Portfolio Management, Superinvestors, Think Differently, Walter Schloss, Warren Buffett
I was having a conversation about Munger’s philosophy vs Schloss’ philosophy and had a few thoughts (and below I’ll compare their performance results against Buffett’s)… I often like to look at long term past performance of investors (10...
by John Huber | Apr 9, 2013 | How to Improve Results, Portfolio Management, Think Differently
Yesterday I wrote a post that started with a quote that Charlie Munger has often used: “Invert, Always Invert.” The idea is to think differently than the crowd. Ben Graham said that our results are based on our methods, not whether the crowd agrees with us...
by John Huber | Apr 8, 2013 | Ben Graham, How to Improve Results, Investment Philosophy, Investment Quotes, Portfolio Management, Superinvestors, Think Differently
“Invert, Always Invert.” -Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, 19th century mathematician, using the phrase to describe how he thought many problems in math could be solved by looking at the inverse. Charlie Munger often uses this same quote to express how investors...
by John Huber | Apr 7, 2013 | General Thoughts, How to Improve Results, Investment Quotes, Think Differently
A few years ago at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, Warren Buffett said something very interesting. He said that he personally knows of a half dozen or so people who could make 50% per year managing a relatively small amount of money. I came across a reference...